Many accountants believe that fee funding is purely a tool for managing clients who are bad at paying on time. The reality is that there are many reasons why fee funding might be useful or necessary, even if your clients are making payments on time. A client who can pay on time will at the very least appreciate the offer of multiple payment options. SmartFee offers the ability for clients to pay their fees over instalments ensuring that they are able to obtain the advice they need, when they need it.
Our expertise, experience and exceptional service ensure that firms using SmartFee are achieving immediate impact to their bottom line. SmartFee is designed to deliver growth for your firm by helping to secure your cashflow and prevent unnecessary cashflow interruptions.
If your clients prefer to fund your fees with cashflow or need to have an adhoc project completed, SmartFee is the perfect option, and your client will appreciate that additional payment options are available. There are no application fees, the borrowing charges are tax deductible and we approve applications within 24 hours.
There’s a cost to having outstanding debtors and as long as you accept non-payment within terms as an option you will always carry that cost. Offering an alternative payment method like SmartFee will reduce your debtor days and increase revenue for your firm.
Using SmartFee couldn’t be any simpler. SmartFee funds the invoice, your firm gets paid upfront for the total amount and your client pays off the total amount owed over a set monthly schedule.
To learn more about how SmartFee can help you and your clients, speak to our team today on 1300 723 243.